Terms & Conditions
This is a contract between Sian Holdings Pty Ltd ATF Pawtails Rural Retreat Trust trading as Pawtails Rural Retreat and the pet/s owner.
Pawtails Rural Retreat agrees to exercise due and responsible care, handle pets with kindness and always place their welfare above all else.
1. Owner agrees to pay Sian Holdings Pty Ltd ATF Pawtails Rural Retreat Trust to board their pet/s – long term boarders will be required to make fortnightly payments made via EFTPOS, Direct Debit, Stripe or Cash.
2. Owners acknowledges that full payment is required on arrival or before and there are no refunds for early pick-ups and that any other or charges are to be paid in full before departure of the pet/s. Please send us an email info@pawtailsboarding.com.au if someone other than the owner is collecting or delivering your pet/s, as a matter of security, pets will not be checked out to people who we are not expecting.
3. No refunds or credits will be issued over the following periods due to cancellation:
Easter: All bookings to be paid in full by 1st March.
December/January: All bookings to be paid in full by 1st August.
4. No refunds or credits will be issued due to early departure for all bookings.
5. For all pet/s that have been checked-in, no refunds or credits will be issued due to amendments/cancellation of services to the booking including:
Early departures.
Cancellations of booked extras.
Cancellations of booked shuttle service.
Grooming services.
Medication/Special Diet services.
6. All fees are subject to change without notice. Boarding rates are charged on a calendar day basis. Minimum stay is two days (one night) i.e. you will be charged a full day boarding irrespective of arrival and departure times. Arrivals and Departures are during opening hours only Monday – Saturday 9am – 4pm and Sunday 2pm – 5pm. No out of hours arrival and departures are available. Pawtails Rural Retreat front office and shuttle service are closed on public holidays.
7. Pawtails Rural Retreat reserves the right to refuse entry of any animal.
8. The owner acknowledges that 24hrs notice (during office hours) is to be given if picking up their pet/s early to ensure that departure bath (stays 7 days or more) and departure procedures can be completed. Pawtails Rural Retreat takes no responsibility should the bath or departure procedure not be completed due to lack of notice.
9. All pets are up to date with vaccinations, C5 vaccinations for dogs and F3 Vaccinations for cats and have not had or been in contact with transmittable disease in the past 6 weeks. Current vaccinations must be shown on admission. Vaccinations need to be given at least 14 days prior to arrival and booster vaccinations need to be given 7 days prior to arrival.
10. Collection and Delivery Transport Service – All Pawtails Rural Retreat transports will require an owner/authorised person (relative, friend or neighbour) to be present when the pet/s are collected and/or returned. This person will then be responsible for the pet/s care until the owner returns which includes but is not limited to food, water, shelter and medical attention if required. No pet/s will be returned without confirmation from the person the pet/s will be returned to. On delivery if no one is present at the location (or they do not answer the door after we attempt all avenues to contact them) this will result in the pet/s not being collected/being returned to Pawtails Rural Retreat at the owners cost with additional boarding and shuttle services.
11. Pawtails Rural Retreat is authorised to do whatever they deem necessary for the health and the wellbeing for owners pet/s. Owner give authority to Pawtails Rural Retreat to call a Veterinary Surgeon for any treatment, procedures or to gather or exchange information of the pet/s in the event of sickness, illness, accident, injury and any reason should Pawtails Rural Retreat deem necessary at the owners expense and agree to pay all expenses prior to departure of the pet/s. In the event of serious illness, the owner or emergency contact cannot be contacted, the Veterinarian’s decision shall be final.
12. Pawtails Rural Retreat are without reasonability for canine influenza, paralysis tick, sickness, illness, accident, injury, death, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever, where diligence and care has been exercised.
13. Owners agree if their pet/s attack or cause serious injury to any person or animal, or demolish any items, owner will be held financially liable.
14. Under no circumstances will Pawtails Rural Retreat, or any of its employees or agents, be held responsible for any items lost, destroyed or left behind on these premises such as toys, bedding, collars, leads, coats, food, medication etc.
15. Owner gives permission for displaying images of their pet/s for any Pawtails Rural Retreat marketing campaigns, where applicable.
16. The owner is acknowledging their acceptance of the Terms of Conditions and certifies to the accuracy of all information given to Pawtails Rural Retreat.